Hi all, welcome to my private coaching practice. My name is Nikki and I'm a Holistic Life Coach and Mind & Body practitioner.
I specialise in helping others to overcome their challenges and make worthwhile and lasting changes to their lifestyles to live a much happier and fulfilled life.
My passion is to empower others to realise their potential, build confidence and find purpose, balance, and inner peace.
If you answered yes to any of the above....
We can all become stressed with different things in our lives, which can feel so overwhelming that we lose sight of our happiness, dreams and goals. We get so caught up with these issues that we forget to live in the moment, we forget about our needs and wants, so instead just continue to battle through our days until we face burnout.
What would you do if I told you that I could help you let go of your worries and focus on your prioritise to reclaim your life back, but this time with effective and lasting changes to your lifestyle?
FIBROMYALGIA is a condition that causes widespread pain, extreme tiredness and other symptoms such as IBS, sensitivity to pain, difficulty sleeping, fibro fog, headaches and much more. These symptoms vary from person to person.
You will always have a bonus with my support as I also have fibromyalgia, so when I say "I know how you feel" I really DO know how you feel.
CONFIDENCE is the feeling of an emotional state of mind, it's a feeling of trust, faith or belief in yourself and your abilities that you need now and for your future. CONFIDENCE is great for our mental wellbeing, it allows us to have a positive self-image and boosts our self-esteem. It also helps us to be more productive and EMPOWERED to ACHIEVE our GOALS and it gives us the drive we need to SUCCEED.
Many of us struggle with loving ourselves, but it is so extremely important to SELF-LOVE as it allows us to get to know ourselves, find value, worth, trust, admiration and care for ourselves. It can allow us to talk positively to ourselves while building SELF-COMPASSION. It also gives us the ability to forgive ourselves when we make mistakes so that we can have a sense of both our strengths and weaknesses.
Many of us want to MAKE LIFESTYLE CHANGES but don't know how. We often make these changes to help benefit our health, happiness, dreams and goals
To commit to these CHANGES we simply need to replace our old HABITS with new ones, HABITS that we can commit to practising often and plan for obstacles that will get in the way of reaching our FULL POTENTIAL, GOALS and DREAMS.
We have all had to deal with stressful times at some point in our lives, but, learning to identify, manage and healthily reduce your stress will benefit your body, mind and wellbeing in many positive ways.
The benefits are:
Many of us can feel anxious at times, but people with Anxiety disorders can experience worry and fear that is intense and excessive. They struggle to control their worries and in turn, it begins to change their behaviour and how they feel and think about the world around them. Learning to identify and understand your anxieties and fears will help you to recognise your triggers and therefore begin to plan for future challenges to manage or even eliminate your anxieties.
Have you ever wished that your life could be different?
Do you dream of bigger things?
Do you feel like you're stuck and don't know how to move forward?
Are you aware you need to change things in your life, but don't know how?
Do you ever get the feeling that you're living the wrong life?
Do you want to find a purpose in life?
I personally have had ALL of these thoughts and feelings plus many more, they would eat away inside my head, until one day {after many bad days} I decided to take the plunge, find the confidence I needed and seek out the right support so that I could begin to approach each issue. This certainly wasn't easy as not only was I battling with new feelings that I had never felt before, but also experienced negative self-talk and self-perception, plus guilt, shame and unworthiness. I found it very hard to acknowledge, accept or admit to any of them.
This specific time in my life is what I refer to as
'My healing and discovery journey' and this journey has led me right here to...
I too have been through trauma, had worries, become overwhelmed and also felt stuck and lost without a purpose in life. These events had a very big impact on both my physical and mental well-being and I feel very grateful and humbled that I reached out for support when I did to make effective and lasting changes to my lifestyle to live my happiest fulfilled life.
Once things in my life started to make sense and feel right to me again I began to hope and wish for my dream life and dream job. It was hard work at times, but, I found various ways to stay positive and motivated and continued to focus on my end dreams and goals. I still have some life areas that I need to work on, however, I am now equipped with the knowledge, resources and tools to tackle challenges, stay motivated, make lasting changes and follow my dreams.
I have naturally been drawn to helping others in various ways and when you've faced challenging experiences, learned how to cope with them and overcome many like I have, you feel...
This is why I am so passionate about empowering you to find your confidence, voice, worth and the freedom to live the happiest most fulfilled life you desire and deserve. Remember... I know how it feels to face trauma and challenges and I came out the other side and I want...
I work in a very calming, honest and open way and like to add fun to sessions too. I take an integrated, holistic approach to your lifestyle, which involves focusing on all levels of your being, including where you are mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. This allows me to work out where you are in your life now, to offer the right guidance with your approach to change and moving forward. If one life area is not aligned it will have a ripple effect on all other areas and you will feel out of balance, this is why I take the holistic {mental, emotional, physical and spiritual} approach to my coaching alongside also being a mind & body practitioner. I have also had training and personal experiences with stress and anxiety.
My main aim is to help you bring clarity and balance to your life and by working together we can discover your life wants, needs, dreams and goals. I can help you to develop a more positive mindset and lasting confidence that you need to be your most empowered self. Through my expert support and guidance, you will also develop powerful habits, attitudes and the mindset that you need to be in control of your life and your successes which will elevate you to new levels of fulfilment, joy, peace and satisfaction.
I can help you let go of your worries and the things that no longer serve you, we will also work out what is holding you back and I am very excited to join you on your personal healing and transformational journey to live the life of your dreams.
One-off session £45
This one-off 90-minute session is designed to resolve a specific issue, challenge or situation quickly. We focus on clarity, targeting and understanding the issue, for us to work on changes, resolving, next steps and goal setting.
At the end of your session, you will have established clarity around your issue and will feel that you have gained more control of your life. You will feel empowered with increased self-confidence and motivation to follow through with your choices, plans and goals.
what's included:
This bespoke programme is designed for making significant lifestyle changes and will be specifically tailored to your needs and goals.
Your tailored programme will take you on a healing, discovery and transformational journey where you will experience deep inner work to focus on you as a whole, where you are currently in your life, what is holding you back and what you want for your future. It is a whole body and mind approach that will reshape and retrain your conscious and subconscious minds to release limiting stories, beliefs and concepts to allow new positive ones in place. This mind work also accommodates positive attitudes, behaviours and habits. It will allow you to take control of your life, develop self-confidence, self-love and learn ways to cope with anxiety and stress. At the end of your programme, you will be equipped with the confidence, knowledge, tools and resources to make positive changes in your life to achieve your goals and dreams and have faith and belief in yourself to follow them through.
what's included:
Book your FREE no obligation 20 minute discovery call NOW.....
I have been living with fibromyalgia now for many years, I'd suffered from some dreadful symptoms such as poor sleep, IBS, body pain, fatigue and fibrofog previous to my diagnosis but didn't know why I had them, why I couldn't ease them and certainly didn't know that they were all related to one condition- Fibromyalgia.
I remember the day I was diagnosed like it was yesterday because it was such a mind-blowing but relieving experience. I was working as an Early years practitioner at the time and I'd been feeling so unwell for weeks, {a great deal more unwell than usual} The pain was more intense, my mind & body felt so heavy and I couldn't focus or concentrate on my work, I also knew that I couldn't go on feeling like this, so after much nagging {from family, friends and collegues} I took the plunge and booked an appointment with my G.P. During the appointment I described my ongoing symptoms and she gave me a thorough check over, after many prods, pokes and 'mms' she piped up with 'I want you to go home and research the condition 'fibromyalgia', my mind just melted at this point as I'd never heard of it, certainly couldn't pronounce or spell it and would never remember it by the time I'd got home, so I asked her to write it down clearly for me so that I could go home and google what the devil this Fibromyalgia was.
This is where the relief came into perspective...after carefully typing in the word 'fibromyalgia' and dreading the outcome, a mega-long list of symptoms came up on my screen, so I began to scan through them and I remember firstly thinking 'YES' these symptoms are describing exactly how I feel {apart from depression and anxiety, they were the only two symptoms that I didn't relate with}, I was so relieved that finally a doctor had found the underlying condition that would link all of my gruelling daily symptoms and I could finally get some answers.
BUT....{yes sorry there's a 'but'} then came the overwhelming feeling of.... now I have a condition that's defined as a chronic disorder with some very gruelling symptoms that are drastic and incredibly life-changing {in a bad way}. The more I read about it, the worse this condition sounded and I desperately needed to know for sure whether or not this was my diagnosis or not. Of course, I spoke to my G.P again and the minute our conversation started I immediately jumped in with the BIG question 'Are you diagnosing me with fibromyalgia?' she replied 'Did you relate to any of the symptoms when you researched it?' obviously I replied 'YES, to most of them' and she said 'Well YES I am diagnosing you with FIBROMYALGIA'. I wasn't sure whether to thank her or hang up on her, but luckily I stayed on the phone while she gave me advice on different medication to help me sleep better and ease my pain, which of course I was totally against as I didn't feel at that time that I wanted to commit myself to long term medication that I knew nothing about. The silly thing is... I was shooting myself in the foot because a year or so later after not being able to put up with my symptoms any longer without the intervention of medication or anything else for that matter I found myself begging my GP for pain relief and a good night's sleep.
My GP prescribed me 'Amitriptyline' usually known as an antidepressant primarily used to treat a major depressive disorder, but can also help with a variety of pain syndromes such as fibromyalgia. I did some research on it beforehand and tried not to focus too much on the side effects. I started with 10mg to begin with and worked my way up for months until I found the right dose that worked for me. Once stable I started to feel so much better in myself, I was sleeping for longer and my pain had eased a little, I wished that I'd started it earlier when I was first offered it as I could have saved a lot of my suffering a year ago.
There have been times since starting Amitriptyline that I have had to increase the dose due to stressful times, illness or a lifestyle change, but, I have always contacted my GP before doing so to do this safely. I have even tried to wean myself off of it too.
Towards the end of my Holistic life coaching training, I felt amazing from using all of the knowledge, tools and techniques that I had learned. I had a positive attitude and had changed my lifestyle and overall well-being for the better, however, I didn't involve my G.P and thought I could do this over two weeks and on my own...but... no amount of positive attitude was going to get rid of the chemicals that Amitriptyline had continuously placed in my body daily to help as a pain block and allow me to sleep better for so many years. SO, you can only imagine what started to happen to my mind & body through the awful withdrawal symptoms that I had to endure because I didn't do it properly!!! I felt nauseous, had head and body aches, had poor concentration, and anxiety, was irritable, and fatigued and I lost weight as I couldn't bring myself to eat or drink. What I should have done is work with my doctor so she could support me step by step to wean myself down to lower doses over a longer period, alongside my positive mindset and with more efficient tools to assist and replace the changes that were happening to my body. After six very long weeks { and bursting into tears on the phone to my husband admitting that I couldn't take it all anymore} I finally threw the towel in as I knew I was defeated {and what a battered, drained, tattered towel it was} and needed to go back to taking Amitriptyline.
When I sat back and really began to think about it, I wasn't defeated at all...It was an experiment, a trial and error, a test even.... and on realising this I was confident that I needed to begin the Amitriptyline again, which would help eliminate the withdrawal symptoms, I could then get back to working on the NEW ME to reiterate the positivity and wellbeing and find a more convenient time in my future to try again.... but this time with the right support.
I have always thrived to have a positive outlook on life but I can admit that this hasn't always been possible due to different incidents and situations that I've experienced in my past. Since I was first diagnosed with fibro I've had a varied outlook on my life and the expectations of it while trying to cope under its conditions, however, I have often said to myself and others that 'I will not let Fibro rule my life'. I didn't want to stop doing the things that I enjoyed and loved just because my condition could flare up, limit my activity and cause pain, fatigue and brain fog. I never saw it as or wanted it to be a disability, even though now it is recognised under the NHS as a disability. I wasn't given much support from my GP during the early years after my diagnosis, I felt that doctors and health practitioners didn't know enough about it to support their clients effectively and I was only advised to read up about it to educate myself and to continue taking medication. I was also told that it was a lifelong condition and couldn't be cured, which doesn't paint a positive picture of your life thinking that you're doomed forever with it.
I NOW think very differently about my fibro and have a whole new belief system around the quality and expectations of my life. Through years of actually educating myself, journaling, experimenting, trial and error, strategies, holistic healing, a positive mindset and embracing my training to become a Holistic life coach and mind & body practitioner I can now live a much happier fulfilled life, with fewer flare-ups and pain, which in turn gives me the freedom to spend more time enjoying the things I desire and deserve.
Fibromyalgia is a bit of a mystery when it comes to being diagnosed, many people think it stems from physical and emotional traumas, whereas others can believe that it's caused by surgery, infection or an abnormal response to pain. I read on the NHS website that it can be related to abnormal chemicals in the brain and changes the way the central nervous system {the brain, spinal cord and nerves} process pain messages carried around the body, it goes on to say that people can also develop it because of genes they inherit from their parents.
In the section below {my miracle worker} I explain where I think my fibro stems from. I do feel it is important for each fibro sufferer to look into this as it could give you a whole new perspective on your fibro and what these discoveries mean to you. Finding out where your fibro stems from can be life-changing because once you have clarity around how it was caused it will give you a better understanding of this factor and why it came about, it can also open up many opportunities for you to find the most beneficial treatments that are personal to your symptoms.
During my coaching training, I worked with a beautiful lady who was on the same course, we immediately connected in so many ways, I loved her calm, kind energy and we agreed to help support each other with our challenges. I learned and understood so much about myself and my past during these sessions than I ever had before, I even learned where my fibro had stemmed from... Several incidents happened to me during my childhood and teen years {outside of my family} and I never really questioned myself about them and how unacceptable I was treated, I didn't even think some were an issue at all, that was until I started to dig deep into my past emotions and traumas and I began to realise that when living with emotions that are not dealt with they can have a huge impact on your body and mind at a later stage in your life. I feel that my fibromyalgia was born from these very emotions and traumas and my symptoms got worse throughout the years because I had ignored and not dealt with them. I remember feeling a lot of shame, embarrassment and resentful feelings towards myself when describing these experiences, but, thankfully it didn't take me long to realise that none of it was my fault and I was only a child when these things happened.
This new information and realisation hit me BIG TIME and I was so lucky that I had my new friend for life to help support me through it all, she gave me the clarification that I needed, an ear for listening and the tools to help me express and manage my thoughts and feelings to eventually release them out into the world. I felt so much lighter during these weeks of releasing and she reminded me to be kind to myself and invest in some much-needed self-care and self-love.
By knowing where my fibromyalgia had stemmed from I could use this enlightenment to gather all of my past and present knowledge, practices and findings to begin to integrate changes into my life to help me manage my fibro daily in a more effective way.
Since putting these effective changes, routines and habits into practice I have been able to eliminate my pain and many other symptoms for weeks at a time... I'm sure with more practice, tailoring and tweaking towards my daily needs I do believe that one day I will eliminate my fibromyalgia for good.
My previous career was as an Early years practitioner working with children and their families in a private nursery setting. I loved my job and was passionate about the time and dedication that I put into my work. I worked for the setting for seventeen years and prided myself on my commitment to others.
After some changes were made to the nursery and my role and commitments in particular I began to feel stressed and overwhelmed, I didn't want to acknowledge or admit to these feelings as I was usually the person that everybody came to for support and advice, plus I had been nominated as the settings 'Well-being Champion' which I was delighted about as I was passionate about supporting my collegues with any issues, whether it be in their personal life or work. With more changes came more overwhelming feelings and I began to lose sight of my health and wellbeing. I put others' needs before my own, while judging, criticizing and doubting myself and my abilities, my negative talk was in full force and it was constantly nagging in my head telling me I wasn't good enough, I was a failure, I haven't got what it takes anymore. These degrading feelings and emotions had a HUGE impact on both my mental and physical well-being, plus my fibro also decided to join in and remind me of the pain, fatigue and burnout it can present under stressful conditions. So, I made the very difficult decision of resigning from my position at the nursery to give myself the much-needed care, rest and support that my mind and body were crying out for. I felt so embarrassed and devastated at my decision but also a relief that I didn't have to put myself under that pressure anymore. I can't believe how much I'd cried over those last months at the nursery and the months to come after, I think it was more of a concern because I had never felt those emotions so intensely before and didn't know if I would ever stop feeling them.
GOOD NEWS...I did eventually ease those feelings thankfully!
I decided to start a healing journey for myself, in which I didn't know where it would take me, what I would learn and how I would feel at the end....or even if there was an end, but one thing I did know is that it was my healing journey and I had to look deep inside myself for insight, inspiration and possible answers. At the time I had feelings of doubt, shame and guilt, I had a negative perception of myself and would endure endless hours of negative self-talk to punish myself for letting myself and others down. This was so hard to sit with, how could I have let so much get on top of me? why didn't I see the signs? It was probably because I'd pride myself on being strong, having a positive attitude, facing and overcoming challenges and supporting others in times of need, but, as you've guessed my body & mind had given me many signs but I chose to ignore them and tried to battle through it until I finally had to STOP and LISTEN.
I had to take the time to think about what was important in my life and what my needs were daily, I also had my fibro needs to attend to because at the time I didn't have it under control. I'd begun my self-care routine and was attempting to reconstruct my life back together, I knew that I was desperate for a new career, one that would give me purpose and drive but also support my personal needs more adequately. It was so important to me to still help others as this was a passion of mine, but I wanted and needed a more calming environment to work in, which hopefully would also allow me to continue to manage my own needs at the same time.
After much research I finally found my new career and 'Dream job' as a Holistic life coach, I was so intrigued, fascinated and drawn to it and realised that this was what was missing from my life. I could continue to help support others while creating my own calm and relaxed environment. Luckily I found an amazing course online that not only taught me how to be an excellent Holistic life coach but the training comprised doing some of the work on myself to give me better knowledge and understanding while learning how to use the different tools and techniques. What wasn't to love about it?
This is where my coaching training helps me to rebuild new thoughts, emotions, beliefs and my life.
I put my heart, mind, body and soul into my training and what an amazing self-discovery experience it was. However, it wasn't easy having to face truths and fears about myself and there were many times that I questioned my abilities, values and core beliefs, but, after becoming self-aware, digging deep within myself and getting to grips with my reality things started to make more sense and I began to identify and understand my thoughts, feelings, habits and behaviours. I started to hope for acceptance, belonging and a purpose in life again.
I now have the confidence to own my mistakes and put more energy into learning from them and forgiving myself in the process. I have a more positive attitude towards my self-perception and I've accepted who I am and embraced the things that make me different and unique. I strive to be my most authentic self and listen to my intuition, I aim to be honest and true to myself and will practice self-reflection and work on my self-esteem.
I still have things in my life that I need to work on but my personal healing journey and helpful training have equipped me with the knowledge, understanding, tools and techniques to get me through my daily stresses and challenges, I feel confident that I can implement new lasting changes into my daily routine and I feel that I have a much healthier and happier attitude towards life and look forward to achieving new skills, goals and dreams.
I hope that my story has been a comfort to you and that you now know that you are not alone.
If you would like support to manage your challenges please contact me as I would love to join you on your journey.
I am here for YOU!
I have been fascinated with the Egyptians and their lifestyle for as long as I can remember, I have visited Luxor, The Temples, The Valley Of The Kings and more. I also have several Egyptian tattoos that I designed with my eldest daughter, who is my tattooist.
The Egyptian Scarab
The Egyptian scarab is a symbol of rebirth, resurrection, regeneration, protection, good luck and fortune.
I thought it was perfect to use not only because of its beauty but also because its symbolic nature resonates with the transformation that my clients will go through during their coaching journey.
I really enjoyed my coaching experience. I have never had coaching before and was surprised at how effective it was for me. Nikki presented herself as warm friendly and compassionate with a great sense of caring and nurturing in her overall manner. I was made to feel at ease and comfortable with her from the moment we started speaking. I gained clarity and confidence in myself from our sessions together.
I felt very comfortable when working with Nikki, she really listened to my issues and was very understanding, she made me feel like I had hope where I thought there was none. My sessions led to positive changes and gave me a lot more in-depth into changes that needed to be made in certain areas of my life.
I absolutely loved my coaching experience with Nikki! It was my first one ever and honestly, it was so helpful, especially because Nikki is so open, so understanding, so supportive, she made me feel heard, important and worthy of the most amazing things, even things I thought I was asking too much for. I am so grateful to her.
Nikki was warm and inviting right away, she supported me to lay out goals for the week which were in line with my vision. She was very thoughtful, which made me feel like she was listening intently and she had great feedback for me and my goals.
E-mail: nikki.hancox@calmmindcoaching.uk
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